Cavendish Primary School

School Council

At the beginning of each term each class from Year 2 to Year 6 elected their class representative. Together they make up our School Council.

The school council meet every three weeks to discuss issues and help make decisions about school life. They feed back to their class during Circle Time, gathering information, ideas and opinions which they in turn bring back to School Council meetings.

At our first meeting we talked about what is a School Council and the roles and responsibilities.

We enjoyed meeting Councillor Hinchcliffe and having afternoon tea with her.” Macauley 6C

We got to choose what we are having for lunch on World Book Day.”  Alyssa 2H

We’re looking forward to going to the Senior Citizen’s Lunch Club. We’re going to play games and chat with them.”  Ebony 3D

The School Council feel that the children at Cavendish are very fortunate to have so many wonderful resources in school and although we will never stop trying to improve our school, we think it’s also important to help others in the community.

Contact Us

Hall Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD2 2DU
T: 0127 477 2175 | E:
