At any point in the school year a parent/carer, teacher or support staff member can discuss specific needs with the our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator). The SENDCO is available to discuss any observations you have made or questions you have about your child’s development, behaviour or learning. This may include concerns or particular features that seem unusual to you. Parents/carers know their children best and your views will always be valued and acted upon. Practitioners at school can support you in analysing your child’s development and planning some next steps.
Pupil voice is also a vital element of assessing how a child is progressing and whether they require extra help with any area of their development.
Assessments are updated each term and are monitored by the leadership team. Teachers regularly monitor children’s progress and will discuss with you and the SENDCO if they have significant observations at any point throughout the year about your child’s progress.
When a child is on the SEND register, review meetings are held three times a year as a minimum.