Cavendish Primary School


Maths lessons at Cavendish focus on the aims of the National Curriculum and aim to ensure that all pupils;

    1. Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice of calculations and increasingly complex problems designed to develop understanding and the ability to recall knowledge accurately.
    2. Reason mathematically and confidently using accurate mathematical language.
    3. Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing difficulty, giving children the opportunity to demonstrate their deeper understanding.


Lessons are planned following the White Rose Maths Hub. Each lesson encompasses elements of Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving and children are encouraged to complete challenges which are designed to deepen their understanding and allow them to apply their knowledge.
Arithmetic skills are taught during lessons and children are tested on this every 2 weeks using the Rising Stars arithmetic tests.

Calculation Policy 

By clicking on the links below, you will be able to see a copy of the school’s calculation policy. The idea of this document is to explain the approaches that we have to teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and it shows how the methods change as children progress through the school. Each stage begins with children learning a concept through the use of concrete materials (e.g. cubes, counters, beads etc.) before moving on to pictures and images then finally working with just numbers.

We hope you find this document useful in understanding how we teach children to carry out calculations. If you have any questions about the information in the calculation policy or if there is anything you are unsure about, please get in touch with your child’s class teacher as they will be happy to help.

Year 1 Calculation Policy

Year 2 Calculation Policy 

Year 3 Calculation Policy 

Years 4 – 6 Calculation Policy

TT Rockstars

We subscribe to ‘TT Rockstars’, a website aimed at encouraging the instant recall of multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12. Children receive an individual log in and work to earn coins and points in a bid to come a ‘Rock Hero’. Children are also involved in battles against other pupils and classes to answer the most answers correctly and win points based on this. Weekly rewards are given to pupils who have improved their accuracy each week and for those children who apply this knowledge into their learning.

Since beginning our journey with TT Rockstars, children have answered over 350,000 questions accurately. We hope this will ensure that children are ready to access the new MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) being introduced in 2020.

Contact Us

Hall Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD2 2DU
T: 01274 772 175 | E:
