At Cavendish Primary, we have carefully planned and designed additional learning activities to supplement our curriculum in KS2. These sessions are designed to not only cover elements of the National Curriculum but to develop life skills to equip pupils with the essential knowledge and tools to successfully navigate life in society.
Studies include First Aid, local charities, a local history and geography study, keeping safe around the local area and financial management. Lessons are regularly updated with information supplied to us by West Yorkshire Police / external agencies, relating to with emerging local and contextual issues.
We work alongside many external agencies to also add to our curriculum offering and have had visitors such as Bradford City, West Yorkshire Police, the school nursing team and development chefs where children learn about many PSHE topics from healthy eating to online safety and diversity.
Trips and Clubs
During the year, pupils will attend a school trip linked to a specific area of the curriculum. Pupils in Year 6 will have the opportunity to attend a 3 day residential trip in the Autumn term to take part in Outdoor and Adventurous activities such as Gorge Scrambling, Caving and Orienteering. The school mini buses are used regularly to transport pupils to local areas linked to History and Geography lessons. Such as Saltaire, Kirkstall Abbey and Ilkley river.